Cover Story

Playing the game

May 27 - June 2, 2015
Gulf Weekly Playing the game

Gulf Weekly Stan Szecowka
By Stan Szecowka

The Blind Cricket World Cup-winning team from India will be visiting Bahrain on its way back from a series in England.

While in the UK the cricketers play six matches against the English national team in a series of T20 and one day internationals at a variety of venues before touching down in the kingdom for a four-day trip from Monday to June 4.

In recognition of the work they do for blind and orphaned children, the management of the team was recently recognised by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In association with Gulf Air the players will be visiting Bahrain to showcase their talents and inspire those they meet.

David Axtell, one of the co-ordinators of the visit, said there were a number of aims of the trip. “One is to provide demonstrations that show how blind people can play the game,” he explained.

“It will also allow able-bodied children and adults to play and gain an appreciation of the difficulties faced.
“Hopefully, it will also inspire visually-impaired Bahrainis to take up sport and thereby improve their lifestyle and encourage anyone facing difficulties in life to try and overcome the challenges they face.

“And, of course, the trip will introduce the visiting Indian team to Bahrain, allow the members to experience its culture and hospitality to encourage them to spread the word!”

This link between the blind sports stars and Bahrain started with a casual comment made by expat British business consultant Mr Axell’s son, George, 13, ahead of last year’s visit to Bangalore, on a cricket tour with the Bahrain Youth Cricket Academy, about his desire to do some charitable work during his time there. 

Despite various requests to the organisers to select a suitable charity it was left to another Bahrain resident and cricket touring parent, Ramesh Subramanian, to contact his sister who lives in Bangalore and is involved in several charitable endeavours. 

She suggested the Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled, which supports and educates a number of orphaned and blind children.

The Bahrain team raised nearly BD600 to support the trust’s efforts and it just so happens that it was also the home for the Indian Blind Cricket team - the perfect fit!

As reported in GulfWeekly, the school children at the Trust sang a number of songs for the Bahrain Youth Cricket players, management and parents before a demonstration by some of the Indian cricket players took place. The visitors were then given the chance to try their hand at the game while blindfolded!

So moved by the experience a number of the party stayed in touch with the trust and were presented with the opportunity to host the team on their return from England. The Gulf Air connection allowed a stopover in Bahrain.
The players stay in the kingdom has been sponsored by telecoms provider Batelco, with support from Gulf Air, Mathias Tourism Company, Gama Hotel Management and Concord International Hotel.

Back home the players are regarded as heroes after beating Pakistan by five wickets in the final of the Blind Cricket World Cup at the Wally Wilson Cricket Ground in Cape Town, South Africa, last year.

India had asked Pakistan to bat first after winning the toss.
Pakistan scored 389 runs for the loss of seven wickets in 40 overs. India managed to reach the target in 39.4 overs, losing five wickets in the process. Indian star batsmen Prakasha Jayaramaiah scored 82 runs, while Ajay Reddy made 74.

The first T20 World Cup for the Blind was lifted by the Indian team exactly two years earlier on December 13, 2012.
Mahantesh GK, founder managing trustee of the Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled and general secretary of the Cricket Association for the Blind in India, said: “I thank all who think about us and support us by raising funds.”

The itinerary for the team includes a visit to the Indian Club on Monday evening. On the following morning they will provide a demonstration to the Junior and Senior pupils at St. Christopher’s School, play an afternoon match against the Bahrain Youth Cricket Academy at the Bahrain Rugby Football Club, and an evening match against Awali Taverners at the same venue.

On June 3 the players will visit schools for the blind and later play a match against BAPCO at Awali before enjoying a celebratory dinner.

On June 4 they hope to visit Gulf Air, call into the Bahrain Indian School and will meet with members of the Karnataka Society before departing for home.

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