Local News

‘Birds’ of a feather flock together

May 27 - June 2, 2015
Gulf Weekly ‘Birds’ of a feather flock together

Gulf Weekly Kristian Harrison
By Kristian Harrison

Eager aviators and wingless wonders took to the skies last weekend during the kingdom’s 21st annual Birdman competition … for a fleeting couple of seconds before reality, and a face full of water, sank their dreams.

One of the kingdom’s favourite family events, hosted by the British Club in Um Al Hassam, attracted a crowd of hundreds as both adults and children alike dressed up in a variety of fancy dress costumes and built contraptions as they spread their wings across the establishment’s swimming pool.

The festivities were organised by the Llongsteppers, the charitable society of the British Club, to raise funds for the Bahrain Down Syndrome Society. Ultimately, BD1,300 was raised through donations, entries and raffle tickets and will be presented to the society in the near future.

Leaping from a scaffold erected at the deep end, both the junior and adult participants competed for prizes in three categories; Longest Jump, Best Costume and Most Entertaining.

The winner of most entertaining in the adult category was Mark Robinson, who donned a face mask in the image of Sacha Baron Cohen’s comedy character Borat and took to the platform in nothing but a luminous green mankini for ‘coverage’.

Afterwards, the 43 year-old businessman, originally from the English county of Northumberland, said: “I was literally sitting there earlier today and a lady came round offering a mankini to anyone who wanted it, so I thought ‘why not’? I was planning on entering as Condoman, but I thought this would be much more spectacular, and it turned out I was right!”

Many of the costumes were outstanding, and it was clear that a lot of effort had gone into planning and designing them. Of particular note were the devices constructed by the Llongsteppers which included a hang-glider and a plane constructed of metal poles.

My particular favourite, which had both myself and the entire audience howling in laughter, involved Llongstepper chairman Stewart Walters, treasurer Simon Cox, member Dave Wakefield and British Club chairman Andrew Savage donning their coloured robes to each represent a UK political party before engaging in topical banter on the platform.

If there was ever an indication that this event was taking place in an expat club in a tax haven country, the loud cheers for Simon with the large blue Tory rosette on his chest and the chorus of jeers for Stewart in the red dress of Labour tells its own story.

Ultimately, Simon won the crowd vote as his competitors walked the proverbial plank one-by-one, but still acquiesced to the masses’ demands and jumped in himself after being declared Prime Minister, but only after forgetting to put the microphone he was holding down! Hopefully there was a bowl of rice in the club’s kitchens he could quickly put to use before the sound technician noticed …

Afterwards, he expressed his happiness at the day’s proceedings. He explained: “It’s been a very good day and everyone has enjoyed it. There were so many kids taking part this year which was great to see, although hopefully they tell their parents to get involved too next year as we need more adult jumpers!

“All proceeds are going to the Bahrain Down Syndrome Society. We always try to pick a local Bahrain charity and we chose them this year as they don’t get a lot of publicity and they are always delighted and grateful when they receive our donations.

“Everybody who has helped have been brilliant, as also those who have come and supported us with jumping and buying raffle tickets. We greatly appreciate it.”

One group of five, whose act was known as ‘Top Gear’, came prepared with face masks based on the show’s presenters, while one acted as the ‘producer’ who was recently involved in a fracas with host Jeremy Clarkson, which led to the latter’s sacking.

The team, comprising of Janine Walters, Keshia Smith, Brendan, Donovan and Bradley Worrall, had been planning their routine for almost a month. Janine said: “My family take this time of year very seriously. We wanted to do something topical so the idea of Top Gear came up as we could do something funny with it but it wouldn’t offend anyone. It was great fun as always!”

In the junior category, the Flying Eagles were the winners of the longest jump, 50 Shades of Hay took home the best costume prize, while the Nineties were back in vogue as the Spice Girls picked up the most entertaining act.

For the adults, the aptly-named Leapfrog won longest jump with a monstrous effort that nearly had the onlookers lounging on the shallow-end sunbeds running for cover, while best costume went to ‘Mr and Mrs At The Wedding’ (which was actually two misters who very sportingly raided their wives’ wardrobes for the occasion).

Chairman Savage was delighted with the response to the event, and urged those who spectated to get involved next year and help raise even more money. 

He said: “This is one of our most popular events, and it’s the 21st year of running it. At the first one I was sat outside watching all these crazy people jump in, and now I’m taking part, so it’s an occasion with particularly good memories for me personally.

“It’s a fun day and a family day, the only thing I’d like to request for next year is more jumpers from the general public, as many of those who did take part were from the Llongsteppers who aren’t eligible for the prizes!

“I’d particularly like to thank our sponsors African & Eastern, Hertel Scaffolding and the Royal Bahrain Hospital for their medical cover, which was much needed today as someone sat at poolside fell ill from heat exposure, and is now fine thanks to their quick response.

“The Llongsteppers section have done fantastically. I have to thank all the ladies who have gone round selling raffle tickets and T-shirts, the guys who have been on the boards making sure the jumps are safe, and everyone-else who has helped. It’s been a remarkable team effort and we cannot wait to do it again next year.”

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