Eating Out

Krazy over choco sensations

January 12 - 18. 2016
Gulf Weekly Krazy over choco sensations

Gulf Weekly Stan Szecowka
By Stan Szecowka

THE biggest challenge when visiting celebrity DJ Krazy Kevin decides to descend on your doorstep is how to keep him quiet. He’s lovely … but incredibly loud, in every possible sense of the word, including the clothes he wears.

There’s very little volume control when it comes to Kevin and I’ve found the only way to quieten him down is to stick a box of chocolates on his lap. It works a treat.

No sooner had we touched down back in the kingdom after a festive break back in Blighty than the larger-than-life former Radio Bahrain presenter called to stay before returning to Australia after hosting a New Year’s Eve party and a birthday bash during his return visit here.

There was only one thing for it … to take him along to the kraziest and sweetest edition to the Friday Brunch scene on the island just launched at the Sheraton Hotel Bahrain’s Al Safir Restaurant.

The Sheraton Chocoholic Brunch is simply chocotastic! According to insiders, a brain-storming session and some tips from a sister hotel in Dubai, resulted in the concept launch. “We’re inviting diners to indulge in international delicacies with a special focus on chocolate creations. After all, who doesn’t love chocolates?” was the question posed at the launch event.

Krazy Kevin was in his element and in a krazy sort of way it really worked. The celebrated team of chefs have obviously let their imaginations run wild with some adventurous concoctions alongside serving up a selection of superb traditional choco sensations.

My personal prize for perfection went to the succulent sushi with M&M, followed closely by a pan-fried fois gras with caramelised onion, roasted potato and Ya Mole Sauce which I believe originates from Mexico and contains chili and chocolate, which I first tasted several years ago poured over a chicken dish.

Other special choco touches included flake slices over the Waldorf Salad and the Italian Caprese Salad which featured tomatoes, mozzarella cheese with a balsamic glaze and a chocolate button, of course.

Putting the chocolate aside, the impeccably roasted turkey, with red fruit sauce and stuffing offered immediate flashbacks to the family festive fare recently indulged in and could not be faulted as a main dish choice.

There was also a mixed array of dishes to satisfy all tastes, from vegetarian korma, to stir-fried noodles with seafood and vegetables, grilled beef steak, plus hammour harra.

The good lady wife, Kathryn, was particularly taken by the hot sour soup too.

But no chocolate feast is complete without a dazzling array of desserts and this is where this destination is set to achieve some well-deserved accolades in the months ahead.

There were mountains of marvellous slices to choose from such as Carma Dark Chocolate Moist Cake (which works wonderfully with the banana crumble, I must add), the Valrhona Dark & White Fudge, and it would be impolite not to mention the Cocao Berry Chocolate Mouse.

All this and a delightful four-piece piece band of cute Cuban singers and musicians to make sure the food was accompanied by just as sweet sounds.

As for Krazy Kevin, not a squeak … he was too busy getting tucked in. Remind me to book a table next time he descends on us!

Chocoholic brunch will be featured every Friday from 1pm-4pm with live entertainment. It’s a family friendly affair and children can also enjoy entering an art competition and playing on a PlayStation after the feast.

BD28 net, inclusive of selected beverages, BD22 net inclusive of soft drinks and BD10 net for children. Call 17533533 for more details.

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