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Workout for a better life

April 27 - May 3, 2016
Gulf Weekly Workout for a better life

Gulf Weekly Mai Al Khatib-Camille
By Mai Al Khatib-Camille

Boot camp queen Esraa Janahi aims to transform couch potatoes into healthier, happier and stronger versions of themselves through an internationally-acclaimed workout programme.

After trying her hand at the global fitness franchise, Training For Warriors (TFW), which claims to have increased the performance and self-esteem of some of the world’s top athletes, the 32-year-old fitness enthusiast has opened her first dojo in Budaiya.

“I hope to create a community of healthier people who move better, feel better and have the utmost respect for themselves and others around them,” said Esraa, who lives in Adliya.

“Working out just to look good is very shortsighted and also short-term in my opinion. However, focusing on moving better, getting stronger, feeling better and being a better human being by default helps you look better without making it the main focus.”

The TFW concept was born more than 15 years ago as a fitness programme originally created for some of the best combat athletes in the world.

The training is a form of exercise that uses resistance to strengthen and condition the musculoskeletal system, improving muscle tone and endurance.

Advocates believe regular weight-bearing exercise and strengthening work can help prevent osteoporosis and condition your muscles to help lift your body upright which gives the appearance of a taller more vibrant individual and even burns more calories.

They also claim that if people suffer injuries and keep their other muscles strong, they will bounce back to full fitness quicker.

Esraa said: “For someone who has suffered with body image issues and eating disorders in the past, this system proved beneficial. It helped me overcome many obstacles and I am physically and mentally stronger because of it.

“It really helps you become the best version of yourself, a true warrior! Life is our battlefield and TFW helps us, physically and mentally, overcome these challenges by conditioning our minds and bodies. After being a part of this programme, I have the confidence to overcome anything life puts ahead of me.”

Esraa’s passion for sports and staying fit originated from her father, banker and businessman Abdul Hameed Janahi, a former professional footballer, and mum Sawsan Alafoo, who loved attending gym classes.

She said: “I have always enjoyed sports from a very young age and my father was my major inspiration. For years he would take me to play soccer, or bowling, or off to play basketball, horse riding … the list goes on. My mum inspired me to enjoy the gym too and her enthusiasm rubbed off on me.”

Esraa also realised the need and importance for strength training when she worked for the Back on the Move Osteopathy Clinic with Dr Lana Peters. She also ran a fitness boot camp on Amwaj Islands.

Esraa is already attracting followers with the help of strength and conditioning coaches from Slovenia, Jure Smerdelj and Ula Brank.

The TFW dojo offers personal training and group classes with specialty courses and workshops based on martial arts and movement. Prices vary from BD80 a month to BD500 for a year. For details, check out @TFWBahrain on Instagram.

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