
Parent Pointer

Gulf Weekly Parent Pointer

The end of the vacation is also a good time for parents to revisit the comments made during the end of term PTM and to begin considering how to build on the areas foe development that the class teacher suggested.

A good place to start is by revisiting the work of the previous term to be sure that your child has remembered the main concepts and is able to answer questions accordingly. Spending a little time in the last few days of the vacation to refresh your child’s learning will give them a head start when they return to school.

Since much of the new learning that takes place in the new term will build on the learning from the previous term, helping your child by refreshing their skills will mean that no time will be wasted when new learning starts.

Revisiting your child’s progress report and looking through homework books will help you to find what you need.  An important note for parents to remember however is that it can be counterproductive to introduce new concepts before they have been learnt in class.

This can be very confusing for children if the methods they have learnt at home are different from those learnt in school.

Parents should always be mindful that schools follow progressive curricula that build skills slowly and time spent ensuring a concrete understanding of past learning is far more useful than rushing ahead too quickly.

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