Local News

Keeping my Fangs!


Fuzzy was a small shy vampire. He used to spend most of the day playing with his shadow. The annual Halloween event was coming up at school, and he was thinking of dressing up as a little prince thisy ear.

But with his two fangs he surely wouldn’t look like a prince. Fuzzy’s mum was already getting the costume ready with a fancy little suit and bow tie. Fuzzy thought: ‘If only his fangs could be more normal like human teeth…’

Now as legend has it, the Tooth Fairy was making her rounds collecting fallen teeth from little boys and girls. She had lovely pink wings and flew to children’s houses at night, putting money under their pillows in exchange for their unwanted teeth.

Fuzzy had an idea! Why didn’t he exchange his fangs for new teeth to look like a proper prince?

The Tooth Fairy tried to reason with the boy vampire but he was so eager to give it a try that she agreed and let him have his wish until the party was over.

But my, oh my … how different things were with his new big teeth. All that brushing and polishing daily and chewing jellies wasn’t so much fun because they kept getting stuck between the gaps!

Looking at his reflection in the mirror Fuzzy felt awkward and sometimes at night he would wake up alarmed dreaming about his missing fangs.

His friends were discussing at school about their costumes but poor Fuzzy couldn’t even open his mouth to say a word. This change wasn’t making him feel happy now.

“I’d rather be a pumpkin than turn into a prince,” he cried.


When he went home that day, his mum was setting the dinner on the table.  She noticed his sad face peeping through his book.

“What’s the matter, Fuzzy? Are you wondering about your costume,” she asked.

Fuzzy’s eyes welled up and he pursed his lips together. Mum smiled at Fuzzy and gave him a hug. She looked into his eyes and said: “Fuzzy, our fangs are a part of who we are, you shouldn’t be ashamed to keep them. I’ll get you a pair of false removable teeth to wear for the party if you like.”

It was that simple, Fuzzy knew that all his worries would end.

Fuzzy rushed back to the Tooth Fairy to get back his little old fangs. She knew he would come back sooner or later for them.

He looked forward to Monday when he would dress up as a prince with his false teeth.

Now, wasn’t he pleased! With his wide,toothy grin, he knew that he would have just as much fun trick-or-treating with his friends.

By SanthiaSukumar

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