Leisure Guide

Creative collaborative book launch

April 26 - May 2, 2017
Gulf Weekly Creative collaborative book launch

Art and poetry lovers are invited to join painter Saman Sohail and writer Anushka Gopta this Saturday at Words Bookstore Café for the launch of their first collaborative work aimed at feeding the mind, body and soul.

What started off as a passion project between university friends sharing their love for watercolour and poetry eventually shaped into an illustrated dictionary showcasing Saman’s pretty prints and Anushka’s inspirational thoughts entitled Visual Words.

The idea came about after Pakinstani Saman, 30, posted a series of her paintings on Instagram motivated by quotations and poems. Indian Anushka, 28, noticed that one of the paintings was linked to her piece of poetry.

Saman, who lives in Saudi Arabia, said: “This book is essentially an illustrated dictionary of soulful words from the English language. We have enlisted some beautiful words from A - Z and demonstrated them in poetry and art- a book of words and strokes.

“This book has slowly built its own story over the course of a year and the ultimate goal is always to do and share what we love and bring positive creativity to life.”

The motivation behind the words and artwork stemmed from their life experiences including the people they meet, the colours of nature and what they see around them.

Anushka said: “I find inspiration in everyday life, in colours around me, in voices and faces I experience. Writing comes to me best when I travel, and explore novel places across the world, photographing beautiful buildings, interesting sightings in streets and architecture, and stories of the people I encounter.”

The duo has already unveiled the book at cafes in India and now they are delighted to highlight the work in Bahrain. Visitors will be able to get signed copies, chat with the ladies during a question-and-answer session as well as pick up prints and postcards associated with the illustration.

Saman added: “I am very excited to share the Visual Words experience with a like-minded audience in Bahrain. I am mostly looking forward to a beautiful evening with inspiring conversations about art, poetry and creativity as well as allowing people to enjoy the book as much as we were inspired to create it.”

The hardcover is being snapped up on Amazon for about BD9.991 ($26.50). The girls, who are both graphic designers, first forged a friendship when they were classmates completing their Masters in branding and identity at the University of Arts London.

The book launch will be held from 5pm to 7pm.

For more details, visit www.visualwordsbook.com

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