

May 17 - 23, 2017

I justflew back in late last night from Abu Dhabi and picked upa copy of last week’s GulfWeeklyand I can’t thank you enough. Reporter Mai Al Khatib-Camille’s Anime Manga Show article was beautiful.  

   Thank you for the kindness and generosity in the way she chose to frame the story.

Thanks also to Editor Stan for being so accessible - picking up that phone himself - and sending wonderful Mai to cover the story. She’s incredibly cool, smart and easy to talk to.

   Thanks for the community service youboth provide on this wacky, lovable little island.

Christy Burton, show organiser.


I read Mai Al Khatib-Camille’s interestingarticle in last week’s GulfWeeklyabout the Anime Art Exhibition in Bahrain and was very pleased to find out about it. Drawing animesis also my daughter’s passion and I hope she will be ableto participate next time.

Dina Fuentes, by email.


I ama 17 year old student doing my A levels at St Christopher’s School. I am deeply passionate about writing stories, poems and articles, especially those based on the social, cultural and religious issues that the world is facing today. I have included, in this email, a poem and was wondering if there was any chance that it could be published in your esteemed newspaper.

SaamiaZia, Bahrain.


Editor’s note: Happy to oblige, there’s always room for a poetry corner!

Cold grey eyes of gloom

Stormy nights, no sunny noon

Unlock me from your bewitched stare

Piercing gaze bear into bare


Deep within scar my soul

Ensure I am no longer one whole

I’m pinned to feigned ignorance

Facing test after test of my endurance


I feel no crime to be a woman

Finally so, I’m flawlessly human

I need me to free me from these shackles

Hurdles only I can tackle

Voices of women which can’t speak

Silent, futile and weakly meek

Unhinge me from dependence

Make me my own defendant


Manythanks to reviewer Christine Hassan for the overwhelmingly positive review of our recent performances at the new Inspiretheatre and event hall in Saar.

   MASK theatre company are available to perform Charlie Brownand other productions at schoolsand events. The wonderful new hall and performance space is also available for hire.  Please contact 33394774 or email lydia@inspirebahrain.comfor more information.

Lydia Martin, director.


THE organisingcommittee of the ‘Shoot Sports Summer Biathlon’has unfortunately had to postpone this coming weekend’s event until further notice - due to a lack of registered participants and sponsors.

   It hope to rearrange it between September and mid-November and the distances, venue, categories and participation packages will remain the same.

Adnan, event director.

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