
Youth Talk

Aug 23 - 29, 2017

‘Oh, come on, Iwouldn’t judge!’ Thinking back to when I was younger, I remember this to be oneof the most common exchanges between acquaintances and myself. Newly intobelieving one-self to be old enough, we imbibed that it was ‘wrong’ to judge oreven associate any personality traits to anyone.

Some yearshence, I have permitted myself to ponder upon the concept of being‘judgemental’ and have concluded that it is not something humans can help.

I feel most ofus forget there is a difference between being judgemental and beingdisapproving of something. Because, admit it or not, we do judge all the timeto set apart right from wrong, so it is only natural that we determine the goodfrom the bad, whether they are books, movies, thoughts or even people.

I do, however,strongly stand by the ideology that respecting another person’s choices anddecisions should be a trait inherent in all. I feel it’s healthy to judge, butjudge deep before attributing a quality or a flaw in someone. More importantly,judge to decide what kind of relationship you want to share with someone, nothow they could become more like what you think is right.

Concluding onmy continuing confusion, I don’t confess, but believe that I am respectfullyjudgemental!

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