
Youth talk by Saamia

January 3 - 9, 2018

December is my favourite time of the year! There is so much celebration in the air that one tends to naturally feel happy! Bahrain lights up in red and white, especially in the Diplomatic area and Manama, in celebration of the National Day and the same lights double up to welcome the Christmas spirit.

There were stockings to put up, gifts received, cakes and candies to devour. However, Christmas is much more than all this and has a far more important meaning. The Christmas spirit is exactly what reminds us of the healing powers and the concept of giving. With all the turmoil across the globe, we need to spread these feelings around us to illuminate and encourage positivity to return the harmony.

I wish within these sentiments, we all grow as individuals to evolve into people who live in a world that is above the concepts of stereotypes and discrimination- it is a perfect future to dream about and strive to live in.

Bahrain is the perfect model of diversity and co-existence of various people hailing from different parts of the world. Along with themselves they bring a platter of thoughts and ideas. It is these kinds of differences that I wish to celebrate and I wish more people shared this feeling.

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