Leisure Guide

Dates for the diary

January 10 - 16, 2018

The Bahraini Farmers’ Market is back for its sixth season and will be open every Saturday from 8am-12pm until April 1 at Budaiya Botanical Gardens. Entry is free.

For more information, visit @farmersbh on Instagram.


The Bahrain Economic Development Board, with support from Startup Bahrain, is hosting a two-day festival to celebrate the most innovative start-ups in the GCC region, taking place in Bahrain on March 7 and 8 from 9am-6pm, at the Bahrain International Circuit.

It is set to attract around 1,000 regional entrepreneurs aiming to meet up with leading innovators. There will be influential speakers from Fintech, Adtech, travel, e-commerce, and more.

For more details, visit www.bahrainedb.com


The Bahrain Popup Market will be hosting its third edition at Hopscotch Restaurant Bahrain in Saar, featuring 20 vendors, a live performance by DJ Enzo and fun for the whole family, from 4pm to 10pm on January 18 and 19.

For details, visit @bahrainpopupmarket on Instagram or contact 37119590.

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