
Youth Talk

March 14 - 20, 2018

Today, people’s attitudes and perceptions about themselves are heavily defined by what they see celebrities doing.

I believe, women especially are now expected to resonate with what many stars of screen and stage propagate and you know what, for once, I partially don’t mind.

Pink, Madonna, Meryl Streep, Emma Watson, Priyanka Chopra. As far apart as they may be where their talents are concerned, for me, they will always be united by the times they stood up for themselves and their opinions.

Be it Pink’s viral speech or Priyanka Chopra’s subtle message to her trollers, the message they put across was clear - women have opinions, they have choices and guess what, they validate their own actions.

What I love is when women have ambition, a quest for success and a spark to do better than the best.

Unfortunately, sometimes our society frowns upon women with this sort of relentless drive and it is common to find magazines perpetually releasing articles on why men don’t find ambitious women as attractive and similar write-ups. If I am ambitious, it does not mean I am excessively full of myself or selfish. I am not emotional or that I am careless.

I strongly believe that everyone should consciously try and change their perspective. Next time you are at a party, try knowing more about a woman’s occupation or her car preferences instead of how many children she has. Don’t claim a women is too good-looking to not have a partner. And, don’t judge her intelligence by how much make-up she has on or how brand-aware she is.

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