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Muharraq marathon Part II

April 18-24, 2018
Gulf Weekly Muharraq marathon Part II

Big-hearted Bahrain Rugby Football Club members and volunteers braved the 6am Friday morning weather to embark on a 25km walk in a bid to raise funds to purchase rugby equipment and playing kits for school children in impoverished areas of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

More than 30 supporters stepped out for the cause starting the journey from the former rugby club’s location in Muharraq to their current base in Janabiya.

The intrepid walkers followed in the footsteps of past members that made the same trek back in 1979 to raise funds to help fund a rugby tour to the Hong Kong Sevens and Taiwan.

Oragniser Jonty Crosse, who stepped out for both events, said: “As this is the first official BRFC Club tour in more than 20 years, it was felt that it would be only appropriate to do this in order to raise sponsorship for our trip.

“As one of the few people still in the kingdom who made the walk, there are a few differences from 1979. First of all, there wasn’t any bottled water then and, secondly, the route didn’t cross any major highways as they didn’t exist! The route then from Muharraq took us over the first causeway bridge, through Manama and then onto Jidhafs and along the whole Budaiya Road. There was no Seef area and there were no highways either as even the Causeway didn’t open until 1986.”

Although funds have not been fully gathered, it is likely that around BD2,000 has been raised by last weekend’s efforts. Jonty said the walkers had help from some great volunteers and wanted to say a particular ‘thank you’ to Amy Bowzaylo and the team from InTouch Clinic who provided much-needed blister and rehydration relief.

Mike Cunningham, BRFC chairman, said: “Our Golden Oldies have paved the way for the last two years with this initiative to supply much-needed kits to the kids in Colombo. This year, as BRFC, we have almost 60 tourists going and with more than 125,000 registered rugby players in Sri Lanka, every little bit helps.

“We were delighted with both the response for the walk and the range of ages and fitness of those who participated. It wasn’t a race, so there were no prizes won for those who ran and those who limped, but suffice to say a swim later on in the club pool was very welcome!”

The tour will leave on April 26 with newly-purchased kits and return to the island on May 1. The group is planning to play two rugby games - one involving some of the 1st and 2nd team players against the Sri Lankan Police followed by a Golden Oldie Vet game against regular opponents, The Puffins. 

“Remember, our Firsts beat the Number One team in Sri Lanka, Kandy, last September so there is more than a bit of interest in our visit,” added Mike.

During their last visit, BRFC and its members provided rugby equipment and training sessions for some of the disadvantaged schools in Colombo and surrounding areas and visited an orphanage. Some of the schools have gone on to win in their age groups in Sri Lankan divisions.

Any readers with rugby, sports equipment or clothing that their children may have grown out of can donate it to the cause and drop items off at the club’s reception. For further information, call Jonty on 39627026.

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