
Youth talk by samia

April 25 - May 1, 2018

Until very recently, I was always treated as a child, and the same may go for many others my age. I consulted my parents before all decisions, big or small (why can we not continue to do that forever?), asked them for help, made them review all my projects … the list goes on.

However, now, as I’m preparing myself to take off to university for higher studies outside Bahrain, it dawns upon me that time have flown by too fast.

I have suddenly realised that the ever-increasing supply of entertainment sources - free games on the mobile, PS4, Nintendos, and the good old PC and any such other distractions - have eaten away at precious time.

I remember when I was younger, weekends were about meeting extended family members, having play-dates with friends, going out for ice creams, visiting parks and other such things. Now, weekends have become the two days to catch up on your work so that you then start hoping that following weekend they’ll be time to sleep and enjoy family and a social life.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have grown up and have more responsibilities, or it is so that things around us have indeed changed significantly?

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