Leisure Guide

Yalla Banat

September 26 - October 2, 2018
Gulf Weekly Yalla Banat

Women from across the region will be taking to the track at Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) in a bid to inspire and empower the next generation of successful females.

The concept was the brainchild of a group of friends calling themselves Yalla Banat ‘let’s go, girls’.

The largest female-only car parade and motor show will take place on October 19 at Sakhir in partnership with Scope marketing company and comes hot on the heels of women being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia.

Yalla Banat’s founder and MD Martyna Al-Qassab, a well-driver racing driver, said: “Our vision is to connect, inspire and empower women across the Middle East.”

There will be a televised round table discussion panel and a souq for SMEs. The track parade will start at 5.30pm featuring 250 cars. There will also be a motor show at 7pm with creatively decorated cars and hot rods.

Entry from 2pm costs BD2 for women and BD5 for men with proceeds donated to INJAZ Bahrain.

For more details visit www.yallabanat.me and on Instagram @yallabanat_bahrain

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