Local News

Caring crusaders

November 20 - 26, 2019
Gulf Weekly Caring crusaders

Gulf Weekly Naman Arora
By Naman Arora

The Bahrain Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSPCA) is celebrating 40 years of supporting animal welfare in the kingdom, with a gala this Thursday at the Gulf Hotel Bahrain Convention & Spa.

The BSPCA started in 1979 when six concerned residents registered a charity to promote animal welfare and prevent acts of cruelty, with the first executive committee elected in 1982. Without funds or an office, a small team of volunteers, called the Flying Squad, rescued injured and sick stray animals for treatment at local vets. Small private donations and temporary accommodation in stables kept the animals alive and safe.

In July 1982, the BSPCA opened its animal shelter in Shakhoora, near Saar. The modest set-up featured kennels for 30 dogs and a small cattery in a donated porta cabin. Over the next 29 years, they added a new cattery, a small vet clinic and a reception office. The shelter became the place of last resort for abandoned animals, from where the BSCPA found them permanent, loving homes.

It also became a favourite place for locals to visit and take care of the animals. Over the years, thousands of cats and dogs have been rescued and many pets owe their existence to the society.

Paul Duke, chief executive of BSPCA said: “Over its four decades, based on its strong reputation in the kingdom, the society has had unprecedented access to law enforcement agencies, government, media, schools, and businesses. The BSPCA helped the government draft the first Animal Welfare Law, which outlawed all forms of animal cruelty, and helped steer the bill through the Parliament.”

Working with the police, the BSPCA brought about an end to the practice of shooting stray dogs. The practice of dog and cock fighting has also been in the society’s sights.

Years of undercover surveillance by BSPCA staff and volunteers, coordinated with police raids, has largely stopped the international criminal rings that organise these events.

Paul noted: “Ever since the Kingdom of Bahrain joined the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), the BSPCA has been helping relevant authorities with monitoring and advice, driving exotic animal sales underground and improving local market conditions.”

Bahrain has thousands of stray dogs and cats suffering extremes of heat, humidity, thirst, hunger, disease, accidents and cruelty.

Their lives are dangerous and short, and their deaths lonely and brutal. They also breed prolifically and every year thousands more puppies and kittens are born into a harsh and unforgiving existence.

Thanks to advice, lobbying, and pressure from local communities, in 2010, the Ministry of Municipalities set up a public hotline and dog catchers. Dogs are neutered and relocated to designated zones to be fed and cared for by members of the public.

Paul said: “The BSPCA is grateful to the many dedicated and generous people who, alone or in informal groups, give time and resources to provide for those animals. But there are many more dogs and cats needing help. The greatest help that you can provide is to prevent yet more uncared-for animals being born. The BSPCA has been promoting the neutering and spaying of pets and strays since its inception. To break the endless cycle, the BSPCA asks people with pets, or who are feeding stray cats or dogs to have them neutered at one of the many local vets. The BSPCA itself offers a limited free neutering service for stray dogs and cats from the Animal Welfare Centre in Askar.”

The society will hold its 40th anniversary celebration at the Gulf Hotel on November 28 featuring music, dinner, dance, raffle and auctions.

All proceeds will go to supporting their many operations advancing animal causes, including the Animal Welfare Centre in Askar, school educational visits, emergency call-outs for animals in distress, free neutering of strays, and lobbying governmental authorities.

For tickets, call Rachel at 66608901 or ask at the Thrift Shop or at Animal Welfare Centre.

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