

Write to the editor

September 7 - 13 , 2011

THIS is with reference to the article (July 13-19) on astronomy and the achievements by Jathin and myself. Your reporter Anasuya’s elegant phraseology impressed many.
I received many calls from my friends and people new to me. After reading the article many visited our home to have a look at the telescopes and to learn further and some went ahead and bought telescopes/ binoculars I recommended.
I take this opportunity to thank you and your crew in giving such a vast coverage and with the right message. The big blow-up of the lunar eclipse photo had its intended effect! Needless to say the first ever article on Jathin was through GulfWeekly way back in 2009. So, we are very thankful to the newspaper.


September 7 - 13 , 2011

THE axe has finally fallen on popular British Club general manager Peter Down. He found out officially that his contract was not being renewed in a text message received whilst attending a family wedding back in the UK, the Whisperer hears.