I have to admit there was much sniggering around the GW water cooler when we first read the story about the man who had ruptured his intestine thanks to a ‘prank’... A prank indeed!
The newspaper failed to give us full details as to where the high-pressure hose was inserted but it doesn’t take a genius to work out it wasn’t up his nostril. Let’s face it, there’s only one orifice close enough to rupture the intestine.
Curious as how much pressure such an air hose gives off I did I quick google search and was sidetracked by a site called ‘The Straight Dope’ where I was surprised to find out from Cecil Adams that this used to be quite a common occurrence back in 1980 (93 cases recorded) and “In many, perhaps most instances the hose wasn’t forcibly inserted; on the contrary, the victim was fully clothed and the hose held to the seat of his pants or otherwise directed at him at close range, the topography of the buttocks acting as a funnel. In a few cases no prankster was involved; the fellow was just trying to blow dust off his clothes.”
Oops and there I was sniggering away at this poor unfortunate guy assuming he had to have been up to something he wouldn’t want his mama to find out about. Guilt set in... for about 10 seconds until I remembered he admitted to the fact that the hose was indeed inserted and there was no mention of it being forced, which leaves only one logical conclusion. He had to have been a willing participant. Dude, next time use just a tiny bit of common sense!