Gulf Gourmand

Mutton raan roast

July 18 - 24, 2007
Gulf Weekly Mutton raan roast

Chef Muhammed Zafeel ul Haq’s (pictured left) recipe for Pakistani mutton raan roast

1/2kg leg of mutton
2 tbsp vinegar
Salt (to taste)
1 tsp black pepper
100gm natural yoghurt
Cinnamon (to taste)
Coriander seeds (to taste)
Jaifel (to taste)
Cloves (to taste)
2 tez leaves
1 tbsp curry powder
1/2 kg biryani rice

Mix all spices, black pepper, salt, chilies and curry powder with natural yoghurt.
Spread over the mutton leg.
Place in large cooking pot.
Fill half the pot with water, then seal pot with aluminum foil.
Steam roast over a low flame for two and a half hours.
Serve with biryani rice, chutneys and salad, and a sprinkle of masala powder.

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