Local News

Don't fall prey to phishing

June 4 - 10, 2008

BATELCO has warned customers not to fall victim to 'phishing' and to ignore a flood of emails that have been sent to computer-users pretending to be from the leading telecommunications company.

It has come to the company's attention that some customers have received an email with the subject heading - Verification Department - asking them to update their Batelco email contact details including their password.

The message states that their '@batelco.com.bh' email address will be deleted unless they forward the requested details within seven days from the message date.

A Batelco helpdesk spokesman said: "Please be aware that this is a malicious email message sent by an external party for 'unethical' marketing data collection purposes."

This act is known as 'phishing' - an attempt to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as usernames and passwords by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

A phishing technique was described in detail as early as 1987, while the first recorded use of the term 'phishing' was made in 1996. The term is a variant of fishing and alludes to the use of increasingly sophisticated baits used in the hope of a 'catch' of financial information and passwords.

"Please ignore this message and do not reply to it," the spokesman added. "Batelco will not at any time request for customers to disclose their email password through an email communication."

If GulfWeekly readers receive 'suspicious' email messages relating to the company they should contact Batelco inet Helpdesk on 17881188.

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