Your Stars


August 13 - 19, 2008

Aquarius Jan 28 - Feb 18. You're no longer intent on presenting a particular image to the public. It feels false and deceptive. Brutal honesty is the name of the game now. It's especially important to come clean with your nearest and dearest. You may be shocked to learn that your friends have known about your dirty little secret for a long time. Their compassion and forgiveness will be an inspiration to you. Don't borrow money from a friend. You're better off tightening your belt.

PISCES FEB 19 - Mar 20

Some private business could become public, which proves embarrassing. Instead of apologising, change your behaviour. People's faith in you will be restored once they see you are serious about correcting past mistakes. Lean on an older friend for guidance when the chips are down. They have experienced a great deal of pain and lived to tell the tale. By following their example you will emerge stronger and bolder. Don't let a powerful person browbeat you. Call their bluff, if necessary.

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

You could leave a group quite suddenly this week. It feels as though the people involved fooled you as to their motives. You no longer want to be associated with this organisation. Ending your ties to these people could improve your career prospects. If you're looking for a job, you should explore opportunities related to banking, politics, or real estate management. You could bring welcome structure to this employer. Be sure to emphasise your organisational skills, as they could land you the job.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

A prominent person at work could be dismissed or leave for greener pastures. There may be a cloud of confusion surrounding this departure. Take this opportunity to expand your skills. The more expert your knowledge, the easier it will be to take their place. If you don't want to continue working for your employer now that the top person is gone, you may decide to go on a trip. Finding work overseas is a distinct possibility. You could also meet someone who makes your pulse pound.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Your philosophy of life could be challenged by startling events. All of the sudden, you're calling all of your assumptions into question. Behaviour that once seemed virtuous now seems silly and sanctimonious. Maybe that's because an intense physical relationship has made you aware of different kids of love. Abandon yourself to a warm hearted sensualist who intuits all of your sensitive spots. Mending fences with a rebellious relative is finally possible. At last you're able to understand why they behaved as they did.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

Responsibilities toward another person could finally come to an end. Although this comes as a relief, a small part of you still wants to be needed. Do yourself a favour and turn your attention to a close partnership that has been neglected. A lover, workmate, or best friend will be thrilled to have you all to themselves again. This is a lovely time to go on a short trip together. Your health is about to undergo a tremendous improvement.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

You could learn something shocking about a romantic or business partner. It appears as though they have been harbouring a deep, dark secret. Maybe it's because they knew you couldn't handle the truth. Now you're faced with the choice of ending your relationship or forging a new one that is based on honesty. Listen carefully to the advice of an older, wiser colleague. This person has a lot to teach you about compassion. Maybe your moral code could use some tweaking.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

You're about to experience a big change to your daily routine. It may be impossible to continue with a particular job. Hidden clauses or new responsibilities will make this position very difficult for you, but don't worry you'll be able to embark on a path that is much more enjoyable and creative. Use your charm and wit to get a meeting with a powerful executive. This person can offer you a plum position, provided you appeal to their vanity. Working from home is a distinct possibility.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Dealings with a child or lover could undergo some significant changes. It's time to take them off the pedestal you've put them on. Idolising anyone will only set them up for failure. Relatives can lend welcome perspective to this situation. It's possible you'll be hosting a big party in your home. You may want to hire somebody to prepare the food or clean up after the festivities are over. Don't let a bully make you feel guilty about this expenditure. It will be money well spent.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Something you prize could missing or get broken. It will take a long time to recover from this loss. Eventually, though, you will realise that possessions have assumed too much importance in your life. It's time to relax your grip on things and focus more on intangibles like memories and relationships. Good news from a friend is cause for celebration. Be sure to mark this occasion with a night on the town. Investigate moving to a new home or different neighbourhood.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

Garbled instructions could force you to change the way you do business. It's important to nip such miscommunications in the bud, or you could lose even more money and clients. Fortunately, you have some attractive new products and services on offer. By marketing these things in a clever but understated way, you will recoup any losses. Resist the urge to dress down a public official or you'll look like a bully. Their faults and failings will eventually come to light.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

A job or source of income could come to an end. Don't bother trying to find out what happened. There may be hidden forces at work here. Concentrate instead on finding bigger and better opportunities to make money. Opportunities related to teaching, writing, and lecturing are highly favoured. Alternately, you could be asked to act as a consultant to a big company. You've accumulated lots of expertise over the years. Now it's time to capitalise on it. Your advice is worth money.

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