Marie Claire

Not so taxing, afterall

August 13 - 19, 2008

Finally a solution to the taxi cheats that plague our roads and con unsuspecting victims out of large amounts of money!

Unscrupulous taxi drivers who refuse to put their meters on and grossly overcharge new comers to the island have been giving Bahrain a bad name for long time now, with horror stories including a Japanese tourist being charged BD70 for a trip from the airport to BIC and four servicemen sharing a taxi from the base to JJ's and being charged BD20 each for the seven minute trip.

But it seems that December will see the welcome introduction of Arabian Taxi, a new government-approved, private company taxi service that will operate metered vehicles which will be electronically monitored to make sure passengers aren't cheated on their fares.

Great news indeed but the best part about it is that it will be giving back to the community.

According to reports the new taxi company has been buying up licences held by retired taxi drivers, their widows and orphans who in return will make up 80 per cent of the shareholders in the company, giving them monthly dividends.

Talk about killing two birds with one stone: We all get a trust worthy and reliable taxi service and those in need get a welcome and needed new form of income. Good job!

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