Out and About

Local boys make good

October 1 - 7, 2008

SOME of Bahrain's best home-grown comic talents will be strutting their stuff tomorrow night when they take to the stage in support of the Axis of Evil tour.

Imran Al Aradi, 27, will MC the evening as well as performing his own stand-up routine and he will be joined by Yosif Taha, 23, Waddah Swar, 30, and Baraa Abdulla, 25.

The four, along with comics from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, were chosen from among dozens of hopefuls who wanted to support Maz Jobrani and Ahmed Ahmed, the two professional comics who make up this Axis of Evil tour.

Baraa, who is the only complete newcomer among them, summed up what everyone was feeling when he said: "It's a great opportunity and I'm nervous but really excited."

The show will be on Thursday and Friday at the Al Ahli Sports Centre, Zinj. Tickets are available from the SJ Media Office in Alhoora near Ashraf stores or the Global Tourism Club in Country Mall Budaiya.

For more details check 'Bahrain Comedy' Group created by SJ Media on www.facebook.com

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