TV Weekly

Desperately successful

October 1 - 7, 2008

Desperate Housewives Season 4 comes to your screen every Tuesday at 9pm. GulfWeekly's Hot Potato Marie-Claire finds out what the stars make of the show's success in the Middle East.


When you got the first script, did you have any idea Desperate Housewives would be as big as it is?

I knew it was different. I knew it was great, but no, I didn't. You dream about this but you don't really expect it.

Being the first cast, did you look at the other characters and consider playing one of the other roles?

No. No, I really wanted to be Gabrielle. I didn't want to have kids (laughing).

Desperate Housewives has been a huge hit in the Middle East. Has it surprised you how it has been a phenomenon internationally and do you know what the magic is behind Desperate Housewives?

I think it is the universal issues that we deal with, divorce and marriage and relationships, kids and neighbours, so I think everybody around the world relates to the show because even though it is not in Bahrain that you would see these houses or these women, it's still the same issue that you would be talking about.

Your look, on or off the set, is always so complimentary to you. Any tips how to look so natural?

I'm a big fan of concealer and tinted moisturiser. Whenever I'm out and about, I use tinted moisturiser instead of makeup so my face can breathe. It gives enough coverage, and it still looks natural yet it still covers up all the discolorations. But today, this is like team Eva....

Which of the housewives are you most like in real life?

I'm a little bit of Bree, I cook every day. I am very domestic. I love cleaning and I love sewing. I have sewn all my drapes in my house.

Tony tried to walk out of the house the other day in a wrinkled shirt and I was like, 'Get that shirt off' and I had to iron it because I couldn't stand him walking out in a wrinkled shirt.

Can you relate to Gabrielle?

I am the opposite of Gabrielle, I love kids, I want to have a huge family and I'm not materialistic. Gabrielle is defiantly not domesticated and I am, so we are totally different. I guess the one thing we do have in common is that we are both very ambitious. Like Gabrielle I want what I want, when I want it!

And is Eva as glamorous as Gabrielle?

No. I hate makeup. I hate hair. You guys are lucky I'm not in my pajamas right now. I do love getting dressed up for the award shows and you get to wear the gown and that's fun. That's luckily only three times a year.

You once mentioned you were keen to visit the Middle East, are you still tempted?

I am so tempted to come anywhere with a beach but there is never enough time. I am fascinated by the Gulf states and would love to come and visit. I think in the next couple of summers I will come over.

What are you secret indulgences?

Mexican food of course. I'm a terrific Mexican cook, and I just love Mexican food. And I love cooking Mexican food. That's pretty much my weakness ... and barbecue beef ... and Texas beef ... and brisket. Any red meat I can get my hands on. I love it.

Could you ever imagine yourself being a desperate housewife?

I would never be desperate!



Has your life changed over the last few years?

When Desperate Housewives went through the roof and I knew I would have a job for a couple of years; with the Emmy, which was a shock; and then with the Golden Globe... I bear no resemblance to my former self. I've got a huge head.

Do you think you would have handled all this fame differently if it had happened 10, 15 years ago?

Yes. Well, on several levels, the first is gratitude. After you've failed many, many, many times when you succeed it's not only sweeter but you are aware of how grateful you are and not just as a concept but in a deep seeded way.

Playing Lynette you've become the ultimate yummy mummy.

I feel like I was born with a 40-year-old body, so when I turned 40 I was like, 'not bad'. But I have this team of people - I show up looking haggard in my nightgown and within an hour and a half I look pretty good.

Do you think Desperate Housewives made being 40 sexy?

I think what's interesting is it took a gay writer to say women in their 40s are sexy and viable and worth telling stories about. But my experience is that gay men appreciate women on a sensual level far longer than heterosexual men.

How do you balance your career and being mum to your two girls?

I don't. I go through my day making mistakes and fumbling and feeling guilty that I don't know how to do it.



Your role in Desperate Housewives has deservedly made you one of Hollywood's hottest actresses. Did you ever foresee such personal success?

I've been at it for 20 years so it feels really good to have this success. The show is all over the place now, it's in 150 countries, Bangladesh, South Africa, the Middle East, so yes, it's amazing I still can't quite believe it!

After four seasons and lots of speculation about off screen cat fights - how do you all get on?

We've always got along great, it's like we've won the lottery?

How are you enjoying being a new mum to your twin girls Eden and Savannah?

I wanted to be a member of that club so badly and now I'm in and it's so much better than I even imagined.

Has motherhood brought out your inner Bree?

No! My life is more organised for sure. But it's not like I'm cooking! I'm breastfeeding - I feel like that's the best cooking I could do.

How would you describe your fashion style? Do you have a personal shopper to help you?

In my private life I run around in jeans and T-shirt most of the time and without make-up. For official appointments I have a stylist who puts my outfits together. For events designers often loan clothes to me; at home I don't have a lot of clothes.



It must be a giggle playing the vamp.

I love the shock value. Edie's the most fabulous, audacious character on TV. But I also like that she is a person; she's multi-layered and breakable. And it's a challenge, when you play a bad girl, to find ways to make her likeable.

Do you share any traits with her?

I'm much more reserved but I get to live things out through her. Edie has a fabulous wardrobe but, I mean, have you seen those hot pants? It's horrifying if I haven't been running for a week. I think, 'No, I'll march into the wardrobe trailer and find some long pants'.

Tell us why do you think people always assume there are huge cat fights on the set?

Because they are stupid - because people like to focus on the negative rather than the positive which I think is a problem, a big problem everywhere and then we can bring it down to Desperate Housewives. People like to create animosity and ugliness because somehow it is more entertaining.

Do you relate with any of the characters of the housewives?

Sure, I have always been an extremely neat person, everything has its place, so there is a little bit of Bree in me and I love to cook and bake. I guess Susan's sensitivity and Lynette's mothering, that's a strong part of my nature.

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