Your Stars


December 2008

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your career is starting to look up, when you get support from an unexpected source. Your benefactor's input could put you in line for a raise, promotion, or high paying job. Granted, some of the duties might be tougher than expected, but if you perform them without a qualm, you'll be given more impressive assignments. Spending more time with friends helps relieve the tension involved with taking a new job.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) The chance to go on a glamorous vacation could fall into your lap. Be prepared to leave at a moment's notice. You may have trouble finding someone to care for a pet or child. Seek out a female relative who owes you a favour. She can hardly turn you down, under the circumstances. If you're looking for work, spend the next two months sending out CVs and setting up interviews. A relative, neighbour, or friend could tip you off to a good position.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) You feel irresistibly drawn to an offbeat authority figure. The two of could share some passionate evenings this week. Don't rush to settle down together, though. Sexual sparks don't necessarily translate to domestic harmony. You could get a chance to add to your qualifications between now and mid-March. This additional knowledge will give you more freedom. Money from an inheritance, tax refund, or grant could come your way.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Venturing out of your comfort zone could put you in the path of romance. Work may not be particularly fulfilling this week, thanks to stodgy, plodding colleagues. Beware of making teasing remarks, as they will be take them wrong way. Everybody is taking life too seriously now. The opportunity to broach a sensitive topic with a lover could arise. Don't be afraid to discuss money, sex, religion, or any other subjects that have brought grief in the past.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You'll feel especially energetic this week, particularly where romance is concerned. It may be impossible to contain your desire for the object of your affection. Resist the urge to buy your way into their affections. You're better off laying your heart at their feet. Partnership issues will take on increased importance over the next two months. This is a good time to sign a contract, form a business alliance, or embark on a serious romance. You're ready to make a lasting commitment.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You're the focus of much romantic attention. Your charms have never been more apparent. If you're in a relationship, let your lover wait on you. Normally, you're the one looking to meet their needs. This week brings a welcome opportunity to put your feet up and hair down. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a dance club, photography exhibit, or movie theatre. A medical consultation could finally shed light on a persistent ache or pain.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You could be given some unusual assignments at work. These jobs bring out the best in you. You've always shunned dull routines. Your high spirits will have a good effect on your home life. If you're looking for a new abode, you could find one within walking distance of your job. Pay no attention to nagging fears about your communication skills. You'll handle yourself admirably at a fancy party. A mutual interest in games, books, or movies helps you form a bond with an attractive guest.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Creative inspiration could strike at the strangest moments this week. News of a pregnancy comes as a complete surprise. Although this will mean some changes in lifestyle for you, they will prove pleasant ones. Don't let a friend's gloomy warnings about finances spoil your fun. Talking with relatives could prove productive. This is a good time to clear up any old misunderstandings. Signing a contract or buying a new computer is highly favoured.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You're earning more money now, which gives you more freedom in your personal life. You may not realise it, but many people envy your situation. Take care not to flaunt your liberty to an authority figure, or you could be unfairly punished. Working on behalf of a humanitarian cause will prove stimulating between now and mid-March. Choose a cause that is close to your heart. It's easy to feel prosperous when you spend time on activities that give your life meaning.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Wit, charm, and intelligence characterise everything you do and say. No wonder it's so easy to make friends. Resist the urge to engage in a secret love affair, or you could hurt an innocent victim. You need to be scrupulously honest in order to maintain the good name you've made for yourself. Ideas for making more money come fast and furious over the next three weeks. Science, research, and broadcasting may prove very profitable.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) An unexpected opportunity to make money gives you a chance to spend more time on private pursuits. This comes as a relief, as you were beginning to tire of working with a large group. Neither a lender nor a borrower be this week. If someone asks for money, you should either refuse or give it as a gift or your relationship will be permanently damaged. You'll be in much demand over the next eight weeks. Keep a record of all your appointments.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) People are drawn to your rebellious behaviour. You're glad to be celebrated for your distinction. Usually, it is held against you. A forbidding business or romantic partner may try to take the wind out of your sails. Turn a deaf ear to their warnings, particularly with regard to your career. Taking a job just for money will only lead to misery. A new friend could help you find a position that is much more suited to your unique talents.

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