Local News

When Cupid strikes

January 28 - February 3, 2009

WE are still searching for Bahrain's most romantic couple ... and the winners will be whisked away for a candlelit meal at one of the kingdom's leading hotel restaurants, travelling to and from their home in a chauffeur-driven luxury limo.

Gulf Weekly has teamed up with Mševenpick Hotel Bahrain and Limousina to ensure two lucky readers are treated to a Valentine's evening they will never forget.

Editor Stan Szecowka said: "Romance is in the air and GulfWeekly is going soppy - nothing beats true love and the kingdom is full of the warmest, most loving people on the planet."

All YOU have to do is email editor@gulfweekly.com and tell us about YOUR most romantic moment - expressing why you love the woman or man in your life - and you could win this fabulous prize.

GulfWeekly will publish a selection of entries before announcing the names of the couple who will be picked up by a driver from Limousina, the executive chauffeur limousine service, and taken to the Mšvenpick's celebrated Silk's Restaurant.

Mšvenpick will be pulling out all the stops to create an incredible 'world of love' on the evening of Saturday, February 14.

Our couple will be warmly received with a welcome drink upon arrival, enjoy a candle-lit dinner savouring a unique five-course gourmet meal specially prepared for this special day. Silk's Restaurant will flaunt the colours of romance - with a warm and softly lit, intimate ambience to create a relaxing atmosphere.

A selection of eternal love songs and romantic numbers will be played through the evening accompanied by exceptional service without disturbing our lucky winners' privacy. To mark the special occasion the couple will also be presented a box of mouthwatering chocolates before being taken by limousine back to their home.

They will travel in a shiny new luxurious Limousina Lexus 460LS driven by a multi-lingual, experienced chauffeur in uniform.

Don't miss out on the chance of a night to remember - tell us your most romantic story by emailing editor@gulfweekly.com

Normal GulfWeekly rules apply. The editor's decision is final.

express yourself

Among the entries from Bahrain's young (and not so young) lovers this week was this from Himanshu Bhatla:

'The most romantic moment of my life was when my childhood love ageed to marry me.

'I love her because she waited for three long years after her graduation to marry me as, being the same age, I needed more time to settle down and become something in my life. I studied my masters in Australia and my wife was waiting for me in india.

'I feel blessed to have such a beautiful lady in my life who is always beside me through thick n thin.

'Winning this dinner would be a special gesture to show her how important she is to me and always will be.'


And aside from thanking GulfWeekly for such a great competition Deepti Mahajan wrote: 'My most romantic moment was when my husband gifted me a second honeymoon trip to Australia on our second wedding anniversary, December 1 last year.

'The extra ordinary thing about it is that my man has already studied in Australia for two years and seen the entire place very recently. So I think taking his wife to the same place and showing his university, workplace, rented house and grocery shops is amazing.

'It seems as if I have spent those two years of his studies with him in the 20 days.

'I love my man for being so caring and loving for me.

'I don't have words to thank him but if I win this contest it will surely be a special way to say thanks to him.'

If you think you're more romantic than Himanshu, let us know about it.

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