Local News

Thumbs up for Sacred Heart

January 28 - February 3, 2009

More than 3,500 people turned out to see a truly international battle of wits at this year's Mothercare Inter-School Quiz Contest.

And the Sacred Heart School took home the shining winner's trophy following the competition that was held at the Ahli Stadium in Zinj.

Six schools participated in the contest which was hosted by international quizmaster Derek O'Brien and organised by the Association of Mar Ivanios College Old Students (AMICOS).

Mr O'Brien, 46, who has been quizzing with the island's children for the past five years said: "I have made two observations.

"When we came here five years ago, it was only the Indian community and schools that were involved. What has happened over the years, especially this year, is that the participation has broadened. The content is international for instance this year there is a Filipino boy, two British girls and Bahraini boys too.

"It may be organised by an Indian association but it's a totally international quiz.

"Secondly, I have noticed that there was less tension on stage. I think the schools have been able to make their students realise that this is a fun contest and it's not a life and death situation.

"I felt that on stage this time - the children were more relaxed."

The winning team of Joshua James D Rebutazo and Neetu Philip won when they snapped the beeper to break the tie with runners up, The Asian School team of Mathew Sam and Adhishek Shankar.

In third place was The Indian School Bahrain with Shyam Mohan and Bryan Robert, fourth place was The British School with Kate Koliski and Ebony Fairchild, fifth place was Al Noor International School with Abdullah Mohammed Quadir and Mohammed Toorani and New Millenium School with Kiran Dash and Vipin Santhosh took sixth place.

The selected schools were shortlisted from 130 across the island.

The British School and Al Noor International School were first time participants and all those who took part were awarded trophies, certificates and gifts.

Aside from the quiz contest, The Asian School won the best cheering squad thanks to their thunderous applause and support for their team.

The Indian School's 70-member band also received special appreciation for its brilliant performance.

The audience was equally involved in the contest not only by encouraging the youngsters but with eager participation. Mr O'Brien said: "I loved the audience today, even the adults and that was inspiration."

Gift vouchers were given to members of the audience who answered some of Derek's questions including meals at the Marina Mall food court, shopping at Al Jazeera Supermarket, ENOC car wash services and BD25 off at Chemmanur Jewellery.

The Mothercare Inter-School Quiz Contest was started five years ago and for the past three years, the AMICOS has been organising the event.

Part of the proceeds raised from the event will be donated to charity.

To commemorate the fifth year of the contest, the organisers introduced the rolling AMICOS trophy which will pass from one winning school to the next year after year.

Satheesh D'Costa, convener of the event and member of AMICOS said: "Last year we had a turn out of around 2,500 people and this year we felt there were a thousand more!

"The response has been very good and we have introduced the rolling trophy to make it an annual event."

The event also had a special visitor to meet Mr O'Brien personally.

He said: "A few years back I had met a special boy, Karan Beri. This year he made me a poster saying 'U R My Role Model'. These are the kind of things that make you want to go back. It is amazing and I am definitely going to keep this."

As he was speaking, Karan, only participant from Bahrain for the World Memory Championship, was waiting to meet his role model.

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