Local News

Youngsters can be serious when they set their minds on achieving solutions

February 25 - March 3, 2009

I have just finished participating in my latest, and sadly my last, Model United Nations conference at the YLC in Al Hekma School.

I had the honour of serving as Secretary General and might I say that it was one of the most unique and gratifying experiences I have ever had in my life for a number of reasons.

For those who are not familiar with what MUN is, it is a simulation of the UN meetings except everything is done through high school students. What really amazed me was the level of compassion and reason a lot of students showed even though we live in a world that is still facing setbacks where political conflicts between countries just seem to occur every so often.

What I was most proud of was the fact that 16 to 18-year-olds were able to show adults how serious they can be when they set their minds to achieving solutions to world problems.

The issues mainly focused on the current economic situation all around the world, the immigration policies in developed and developing nations, the use of nuclear warheads and the Iranian situation.

All these issues are the same ones that diplomatic authorities discuss and debate during their meetings in New York. Therefore, it is safe to say that we, the youth, silenced many who doubted our potentials and reasons.

In essence, there is a lot of potential in the future leaders of tomorrow and the Kingdom of Bahrain must be proud of its current generation of students.

Therefore, events such as Young Leadership Conferences and the Model United Nations must be encouraged more within schools and societies because not only does it hone skills in communication and debate but it teaches youngsters the true value of the 'greater good' as well.

To my young readers: I hope that in the near future, you will have a chance to conduct yourselves in MUN conferences, be it within our country or abroad.

Allow yourselves to be put in high stress situations, like our leaders, and be a bright light for what the world needs.

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