Local News

Name rumpus ends Islamic games plan

May 13 - 19, 2009

Iranian officials said this year's Islamic Solidarity Games were cancelled over demands from Arab countries for the Persian Gulf not to be inscribed on medals.

Officials said the games, which had been scheduled for October in Iran, were called off in response to demands from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE and others for the region to be referred to as the Arabian Gulf or only the Gulf on medals and promotional materials for the event.

The name of the body of water is most important to Arab nationalism but Iranian officials constantly attack map-makers and international organisations that use the Gulf or refer to it as the Arabian Gulf and several websites voice their contempt and anger over the issue.

"We must insist on our 'correct' stance even if it leads to the cancellation of the games," said Ali Akbar Velayati, pictured, an adviser to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Organisers said only 28 nations had agreed to take part in this year's games, compared to 55 countries at the 2005 games in Saudi Arabia.

Press TV, Iran's state-run English language satellite network, said negotiations were under way to attempt to salvage the event.

Iran has already spent £6.7 million preparing for the games, which were to feature an array of sports including football, fencing, archery, basketball and weightlifting.

The powerful speaker of Iran's parliament, Ali Larijani, said the name change demand risked harming regional stability.

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