Local News

A fresh new mix from Bahraini DJ

September 16 - 22, 2009
Gulf Weekly A fresh new 
mix from
Bahraini DJ

Mohammed Ghuloom, a young Bahraini record producer and artist better known as DJ Outlaw, is collaborating with an up-and-coming American rap performer on a musical mission of mutual understanding.

The popular 26-year-old performer from Isa Town has been in the studio with Rodney Toole, 22, who takes the name of 'Hot Rod' in the RnB music world and already boasts a hit single Be Easy with US singer Mary J. Blige and a top-selling album Fastlane.

The duo hope to ease the political tension between East and West and believe the music they have created will bring people together.

"At the end of the day we are all the same," said DJ Outlaw. "Other artists have tried to merge our two worlds but in my opinion they started off with the wrong message. So sceptics are suspicious of everyone else who follows.

"But we have a simple story to tell and you can hear it in the music."

And, as with every success story, it was all a case of being in the right place at the right time.

DJ Outlaw was just the man the American artiste needed when they bumped into each other in a night club.

"I always enjoy performing and vacationing in the Middle East like Dubai and Doha", said Hot Rod, whose debut album so impressed rap superstar 50 cent that it was released in front of his record label's more established acts.

"I have been lucky enough to have been exposed to another culture which has made me wiser.

"I was out at a party in Dubai one night and ended up lost until I met up with DJ Outlaw."

They soon became friends and started working together on a mix of rap songs with an Arabic flavour which can now be downloaded online.

Starting in Bahrain and travelling through neighbouring Gulf countries, Hot Rod thrust himself into a series of 'eccentric and rather bizarre storylines' about being lost in the Middle East and discovering the authentic ways of the Arabic people as well as highlighting the region's historical places.

DJ Outlaw, who founded a recording and promotions company called Outlaw Productions, has already worked with other internationally-renowned artists.

He has also finished mixing songs for a debut album which is currently being mastered in London, to add to an impressive resume of previously-released mix-tapes with established artistes auch as Ludacris, Young Blaze and Shadyville/G-unit's DJ Woogie.

"The first step in making your dreams come true is to wake up!" he said.

Outlaw Productions has signed a number of young Arabic performers and DJ Outlaw believes Bahraini singer May Al Qasim, who was recently featured in GulfWeekly, has a promising future in the music business alongside rap artist 'Flipp'.

"RnB/hip-hop is underestimated," he said. "Old, young and middle aged people in Bahrain are all listening to it."

He has no plans to follow Hot Rod back to the US for the time being. He explained: "I cannot leave until my job here is done. I want to be appreciated and heard by my own people first, they are my priority."

And the future is looking bright for DJ Outlaw as he plans to release the third volume of his 'Outlaw Culture Mix-tape' series and a mix-tape with Massari's artist 'Vico' called Judgment Day.

l Editor's note: Download the mix-tape online for free at www.djoutlaw.com or visit www.theofficialhotrod.com

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