Local News

Back to school for a fresh start

September 16 - 22, 2009

Here is my student survival guide to get through school alive and successfully.

Change is inevitable. Yet change can open windows of prospect and revolutionise life as we know it.

Speaking of change, September is a glorious month of transition.

The mercury starts dropping, the leaves start cascading down in spectacular fashion and the wind starts picking up.

To us, all these changes mean one thing, farewell summer!

It's that time of year again when all the store windows are plastered with giant banners proclaiming 'unbeatable' back-to-school sales.

Most of us start school this week and it's only natural that we're torn between the thrill of a new start and the angst of leaving behind our summer break.

The days ahead are promised to be packed with new friends, teachers, classrooms, subjects, textbooks and miles of crinkly brown book wrapping paper.

So with the start of a new academic year promise yourself higher commitment, determination and perseverance.

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