Business Weekly

Economic crisis still not over say fund managers

September 16 - 22, 2009

Despite improving economic indicators, senior fund managers at a wide range of leading institutional investors from more than 15 countries, with over $2.8 trillion of equity funds under management, overwhelmingly say that the financial crisis is still not over.

This is according to a new global survey recently conducted by FTI Consulting, Inc, the global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organisations protect and enhance their enterprise value.

The survey of more than 153 leading institutional investors revealed that 64 per cent of respondents globally said that they did not believe that the financial crisis was over, with 31 per cent saying the crisis was over, and five per cent undecided.

UK, US and Australian investors were the most pessimistic with 73 per cent, 76 per cent and 80 per cent, respectively of investors believing the crisis had not ended.

Continental European and Asian (including the Middle East), investors were slightly more optimistic with 59 per cent and 62 per cent, respectively saying the crisis was not over.

Commenting on the survey, Jack Dunn FTI's president & CEO, said: "These findings suggest a paradox, in that despite the negative outlook, global equity markets have rallied significantly in recent months. This indicates a willingness of investors, for now at least, to focus on factors beyond the fundamental issues that caused our current economic crisis."

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