Your Stars


August 25 - 31, 2010

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A relationship issue that plagued you in the past could resurface again. It's possible you've been spending so much time at work a partner feels neglected. If you're single, it may be because you are clinging too stubbornly to your own ways, refusing to compromise. Either way, you need to loosen up. Try looking at your life from an outsider's perspective. By making just a few adjustments, you'll get the support, encouragement, and companionship you crave.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Going back to work for a former employer is a possibility. Before you accept the job you need to make some conditions. You've always been the most reliable member of your team and so less diligent workmates palm off their responsibilities onto you. This situation has got to stop. There are plenty of companies that would be eager to hire a hard worker like you. Position yourself as the rising star you are or people will continue to take advantage of you.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) You may have to brush up on skills you learned as a child. Fortunately, you've always been a quick learner. If you quit piano lessons or stopped writing stories, now is the time to begin again. Submerging yourself in a hobby could bring an old friend or flame back into your life. Resist the temptation to get involved again. At first, things will be great, but after a week or two, the old problems will resurface. There's a good reason you drifted apart, remember?

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Changing regular routines is essential to your family's happiness. Someone who has a new job or different schedule needs to be accommodated. Sharing the car, eating dinner early or switching chores are all worth considering. If you live on your own, you may be thinking about moving back in with a relative or roommate. It may save money in the short term but it would be wiser to maintain your independence. Find another way to make ends meet.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) An email or cheque could be returned, causing you all sorts of trouble. It may be necessary to pay a penalty fee thanks to someone else's incompetence. No matter how much you fight, the powers that be won't relent. It may be better to pay the fine and be done with it. You can't put a price on your free time. Don't overestimate your ability to capture someone special's heart. You'll have to work hard to win their affections. It seems you have some fierce competition.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Cash you've been relying on may not arrive when you need it. You must make an alternate plan. Whether this means borrowing money from a relative or downsizing your lifestyle is immaterial. The important thing is to take control of the situation. Keeping your head buried in the sand will only compound your problems. A colleague who promises to cover your shift could drop the ball. Double check to see if they have remembered your arrangement.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Whether you want to or not you're going to have to rethink your plans, Although you deeply resent a relative or neighbour's interference with your personal life, you have no other choice but to go with the flow. A big headed colleague may want you to break off a romance. This is probably because they are deeply jealous. Turn a deaf ear to their sniping. They'd love nothing more for you to lose your confidence so they can move in for the kill.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Old worries come back to haunt you. You thought you'd conquered this demon some time ago. Actually, you have; it's just you need to do some residual work. You're on the brink of accepting an exciting new offer, and this puts your subconscious on guard. By calmly facing down your anxieties, you'll be able to move on to the next phase quite successfully. Don't let a glamorous female executive intimidate you. You're just as capable as she is, if not more.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) An organisation you once worked for could ask for your help. You have serious reservations about getting involved with them again. Besides, there are personal matters that need your attention. Feel free to turn them down even at the risk of looking insensitive. Although you still care about the issues, you can't abide the people who are involved with this organisation. Why make problems for yourself when you can avoid them?

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You may have to take over for your boss or other authority figure which means you have to revise your personal plans. Although you hate the extra responsibility, you are pleased to know others have confidence in your abilities. By the time everybody gets back in place, you will have earned your right to a pay raise, promotion, or perk of the job. Resist the urge to buy a luxurious status symbol. You'll get a better price later in the month.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Returning to your student days will be great fun. You love the intellectual stimulation that learning can bring. Whether you're taking a class or teaching it, you're sure to meet some interesting people. A musical type will catch your romantic interest. Be prepared to have your horizons broadened. This would be a good time to resume an abandoned writing project. Only a short time ago, you thought it was hopeless, but now you see it through new eyes.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Go through credit card bills with a fine toothed comb. There could be charges you don't remember or recognise. The more proactive you are about your cash situation, the easier it will be to achieve security. Stop buying into the myth you are bad with money. You have the capacity to make a fortune, so long as you're more attentive to what you earn and spend. It's all a matter of channelling your energy in the right direction. Start by creating a budget.

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