Your Stars


December 22 - 28, 2010

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Keep all matters on a strictly business footing. New revenue sources could open up through your existing job or a new line of employment. This should help correct a recent imbalance in your financial status as monthly expenditures have been high. For the time being, pleasure before business is not recommended. You've always had an impulsive streak and so long as you don't mistake rashness for daring it's a great time to start a new career.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) You must set the ball rolling if you want to make changes. Not a lot will be gained if nothing is ventured. Whether you have an urge to widen your horizons through new experiences or you want to get to know someone better, it's up to you to take the initiative. Those who know you best will sense how serious you are about your commitments. You aren't unhappy with your life but you feel it could be made more interesting with a little effort.

Gemini (May22/June21) Someone who's new in your life underestimates your talents as the year begins. They are more concerned with boasting about their own accomplishments and aren't interested in what you can do. The time is not right to advertise your own skills and experience. Be especially careful when considering your long term future. If you plans look as if they might break the budget, leave them on the drawing board for a wee while.

Cancer (June22/July23) It's early days yet but a new partnership is showing considerable financial promise. Together you make a great team and very soon you will know you were right not to go it alone. Proposals and propositions need a quick response. If you haven't been happy in your job or your love life has been in the doldrums, joining forces with another will be a great way of making your future more meaningful and exciting.

Leo (July24/Aug23) Honesty is a necessity in your working life now. People will oppose some of your plans even so it is not a good idea to challenge authority. Be truthful when asked for an opinion. Diplomacy will be essential too. Obligations are heavy and a lot is being expected of you but pressures will start to ease over the next few weeks. Be careful when lifting heavy objects and take precautions to prevent back pain.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Push ahead with an important venture that has some connection with the world of art, literature or music. Creative interests prevail and as you extend your social circle you will welcome the chance to meet people from different walks of life. Later in the week your usual plans and routines may suffer some slight disruption. Changes going on at home could have an important affect on your lifestyle in the near future.

Libra (Sept24/Oct23) This is a good time to get started on plans you've been making to renovate or redecorate your home. Don't be reluctant to make dynamic changes if you feel like something totally new. Go for vivid colours and luxurious textures. People are drawn to your natural good nature and this will encourage you to mix with colleagues in other departments as well as those in your social circle. There is plenty to keep you interested and on the go.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) People are making excessive demands on your time to the point where they are taking shameful advantage. There is some talk about changes ahead and you aren't sure you like what you hear. Avoid jumping to hasty conclusions as rumours will be misleading. There is no point in mincing words: you need to be on your guard as not everyone can be trusted. When decisions must be made, instead of trying to please others; please yourself.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You feel inspired to make changes that could bring benefits into your world. Should a new career direction be offered, you will seize it with both hands. This could offer the opening you have been looking for to enter a new field of endeavour. Not only will this captivate your interest but it could add considerably to your income. You should have no qualms about pushing yourself forward now.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You rarely rush into anything yet this week's eclipse in your sign will make you more inclined to take action and think about it later. This is good because by being assertive you'll get things done. A decision made could change your life in a big way and it is time now to make up your mind about it. You don't want to keep others hanging on any longer wondering what you are going to do and you are ready to make a long term commitment.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) New pursuits will help your psychic development as you get to realise your true inner potential. You will be imaginative and far sighted and your mind is working over time. Through losing yourself in the world of fantasy and spirituality, you will feel inspired to make a determined effort to turn a special dream into reality. Be willing to forgive and forget if you want to get a tense partnership back to the way it used to be.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Another action packed week awaits you; you'll be enjoying a demanding work scene and a rich and varied social life. With you being so willing to put effort and sensitivity into your relationships, close ties of love will be strengthened. A get together is being arranged to celebrate an anniversary or other special occasion. Although you may start to feel a little tired of all this socialising, it won't be much longer before life gets back to normal.

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