Your Stars


January 5 -11, 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) If life has been hectic recently, don't expect things to slow down just yet. It's likely to grow worse before it gets better! There is little doubt you'll look back on the start of 2011 with amazement. You will hardly believe all you accomplished in such a short space of time. Sometimes it may seem as if you aren't making progress. Rest assured: you are moving in the right direction. Later, expect to receive even more help from friends and workmates and by the end of the week things will be less strenuous.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) There could be a chance to advance your career and improve your financial situation. Appreciation of your efforts comes from high places and your talents get the recognition they deserve. A senior colleague may seem reluctant to go ahead with certain changes. What people don't realise is that they are aware of things behind the scenes that could be to your advantage. What appears to be a hindrance could be a blessing in disguise.

Gemini (May22/June21) The full moon in Cancer fires a warning shot when it comes to spending. In money matters, be practical, be sensible and be reasonable. Some coolness in a close relationship could be due to a difference of opinion about how much cash should be spent on the home. If you can agree on how to handle joint finances you'll be able to take a more optimistic view of the immediate future. You could come across someone while travelling who is likely to be a great friend.

Cancer (June22/July23) Visiting relatives to satisfy your sense of obligation will feel like a waste of time when they are inclined to be touchy and critical. This week's full moon in your sign could cause tension and moodiness. Even if this is just a passing phase, tread lightly during the middle of the week and watch what you say very carefully. As the week comes to a close you'll feel more able to face any opposition or hostility from others.

Leo (July24/Aug23) The general pattern of events could have you pulling out of regular social plans in order to concentrate on a special project. This will be of some importance to your future career. Your self esteem could suffer a setback due to some unexpected problems. Being able to get over these hurdles surprisingly quickly makes any disappointment short lived. Some forgotten about expenses could play havoc with your budget before the end of the week.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You've never been a one to get carried away with fanciful dreaming. Yet something or someone sparks your imagination, leaving you seriously consider taking a new direction. After some brisk discussion, your partner or a senior colleague will see no reason why you can't pursue a challenging goal. It may be a while before the rewards for new endeavours will become apparent, but don't let this stop you. Take control and feel your personality change.

Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Although your mind may be on your love life or social plans, it won't be until the end of the week before you get a chance to do anything about it. You may be learning new skills or techniques to do with your job and this will take all your concentration. So long as you don't leave any work unfinished there will be plenty to laugh and smile about at the weekend. If you're at the start of a new romantic relationship, take things one step at a time.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You will soon be presented with some interesting challenges and there's unlikely to be a dull moment. Unexpected demands will give you the chance to break free from anything that has become too predictable or tedious. Commitments you are taking on personally will affect your closest relationships. Agree on new arrangements and set new partnership boundaries if need be. You should also look after your health and beauty.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Money still has a way of running out very quickly. Security and stability is starting to be a major focus now and you'll be preparing for jobs that demand concentration and a practical mind. Your determined attitude will help you sort out financial and family problems. You might be seeking a place to put down deeper roots. Improving relationships help boost your spirits as events now taking place promise even better things to come.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You will be showing the world that you never take the word "never" literally! You've seen so many people changing their minds after saying "never again" that a part of you knows that someone who walks away will come back again. Whether this will be in a week, a month or a year, you instinctively feel this is not the end. One day you'll see each other again. If you are lonely, you could meet someone soon, who will light up your life.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) High levels of intuition could put you in the position where you are two or three jumps ahead of your competitors. If you have been experiencing setbacks when trying to reach personal goals, the situation as the week begins will give way to something more positive and hopeful. If you're single, you've got a good feeling about a new relationship and you are likely to pour your heart and soul into this romance.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) If you have been involved in any kind of project with the well being of others as its objective, you could find yourself in the local limelight. Bouquets and awards will be handed out by the organisers. A fund raising effort will far exceed everyone's expectations. As the week draws to a close, so does your commitment with a group or organisation. You'll be taking stock of yourself and your goals in life rather than seeking out the company of friends.

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