Golf Weekly

Tips for a more consistent game

November 16 - 22, 2011
Gulf Weekly Tips for a more consistent  game

A COMMON complaint that I hear from people who come to see me for golf instruction is that their golf is very inconsistent.

Often this is because of technical issues with their swing and this is what we aim to improve on the driving range.

However, when I see these people playing on the golf course it is also clear that in general, they do not approach their shots in the same way each time. If you do not prepare to execute a golf shot in the same way every time, it stands to reason that the outcome is unlikely to be consistent.

The goal of a pre-shot routine is to focus your brain on exactly what you are trying to achieve with the upcoming shot. Next time you are on the driving range or golf course, try the following routine and see if it is something that could benefit your game.

Establish a Trigger - Do something deliberate that acts as a trigger for the brain to focus. This might be something as simple as putting your golf glove back on or the moment when you stop pushing your trolley when you reach your ball. Do something unique that will trigger your brain to start focusing on the task at hand.

Stand Back - Get directly behind the ball and pick out exactly where you want it to finish. However, simply thinking ‘on the fairway’ is not good enough. Pinpoint an exact point on the fairway. This will narrow your attentional focus which is precisely what we are looking to achieve.

Think - Ask yourself the following questions. How will you get the ball to your target? Which club will you need to use? What sort of shot will be required? All of these factors must be decided on and fully committed to before setting up to the shot.

Visualise - Complete one practice swing and hold your balance. Imagine the ball flying beautifully with the correct trajectory towards the target. Imagine the best possible shot that you could hit!

Commit - Set up to the ball and settle over the shot. You must be 100 per cent committed to the fact that you are using the correct club and you’re going to hit the best possible shot.

Let Go - Clear your mind and execute the shot.

Widen your Focus - Pick up your bag, widen your attentional focus and ‘switch off’ while walking to your next shot. Have a chat with your playing partners and relax. You cannot change the outcome of your shot. Deal with it and prepare to give 100 per cent focus to the next shot.

As mentioned, although preparing to execute a shot properly does not absolutely guarantee that you will hit a great shot, it certainly will increase the chances of it happening! Why not try to come up with your own pre-shot routine and see if its application can influence your consistency?

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