Local News

Raoul makes sweet music

March 14 - 20, 2012
Gulf Weekly Raoul makes sweet music

TEENAGE violinist Raoul D’Souza is all set for his debut headlining performance next Wednesday at the Bapco Club in Awali in another bold step to help him fulfil his musical potential.

Concert pianist and founder of the Life in Music School of Musical Arts, Olga Aoust, will be accompanying him on the piano.

The programme for the evening includes compositions by musical greats – Mozart and Jean Baptiste Accolay, Francesco Geminiani and Pablo De Saraste and Bela Bartok. Olga will also perform solo pieces composed by Chopin and Tchaikovsy.

Raoul, 13, from Janabiyah, said: “It is fun performing but it is also nerve-wracking to step out like this for the first time. It is a challenge and I am trying my best to keep calm. I will be playing both slow and fast pieces.

“Violin is my favourite instrument because it feels right for me. When I play a piece I feel like playing it more and more. It makes me feel like heaven and transports me to a peaceful place.”

Raoul, a Year 8 student at St Christopher’s School, started to play the violin at the age of six. He passed Grade 8 ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) with a high merit at the age of 10 and is currently being trained by accomplished violinist Werner Kremlicka. Raoul is a fine singer and also plays the piano, saxophone and trumpet.

The youngster’s list of musical accomplishments is already impressive. He was the youngest musician to participate in the Young Musicians of the Gulf (YMOG) competition in February 2009 at the age of 10, and was awarded the Knight’s Bequest Award for Most Promising Musician twice. He was also awarded Best Strings Player YMOG 2011 and in June last year his school awarded him with the ‘Outstanding Achievement in Music’ accolade.

His latest performance plan was organised by Olga, although Raoul is not a student at her school in Isa Town. She said: “Talented children should be offered the opportunity to perform and gain confidence on stage. This concert may be his debut solo performance but I am confident he can offer a lot of joy to audiences.”

Next weekend Raoul will take part in the Emirates International Peace Music Festival for Young Virtuosos in Dubai which attracts some of the best young musicians from around the world in competition.

To support him at the Bapco Club contact 39298931 or 17625583 for details.

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