
Write to the editor

May 28 - April 3, 2012
Gulf Weekly Write to the editor

I HAD the most amazing experience last November when I took myself off to the northern arctic coast of Canada to see polar bears. I was based at the town of Churchill. This was such an amazing experience that I came back to Bahrain determined to share this with young children. 

Firstly, after talking to different groups, I’ve found that many think that polar bears are to be found at the South Pole. Now they know that they are at the North Pole and it is penguins that live at the South Pole!

Whilst I have not acquired a PhD in polar bears, the information which I have gathered is very interesting to young children. I have drawn up some lovely coloured laminated posters and gather the pupils together for half-hour sessions to explain and talk about polar bears and why we should protect our environment to help prolong their habitat.

After each short story session I give to the school a set of the posters for their use. So far I have visited Nadeen International School, Budaiya Pre-School, Little Gems Pre-School, Modern Knowledge KG School, Bright Beginnings KG and the Dilmun School.

Please contact me on ytrueman2@yahoo.co.uk if your school wishes to share in the polar bear world I have discovered.

Yvonne Trueman, Bahrain.

I cannot tell you how much it grieves me to write this, but our situation has become desperate.

I had hoped that moving to the new premises would be an end to our problems but, unfortunately, the ongoing political situation has seriously affected the usual support for our rescue efforts. However, many of those who had previously helped have since left the country, and now I am left with no choice but to appeal to you all for help.

As those of you who know me are aware, I gave up my business and changed my way of life several years ago to care for the island’s lost, unwanted and, often, mistreated animals.

I don’t regret one minute of the last 13 years but now find myself in a position where I cannot carry on without your help.

I don’t want to sound defeated but, after many years of covering costs, I am at the end of my tether. Between salaries for workers, rent on our premises, vet bills, food and everyday expenses, we are at a point where I can simply no longer cover the costs.

I try very hard never to turn an animal away but this is not always possible as, with people leaving the island there appears to be an ever-increasing number of unwanted animals. We are frequently full to bursting and have had to implement a one-out, one-in policy.

If you think you can help, whether through sponsoring an animal for a little each month or by giving up a couple of hours of your time, please get in touch with me on 39629889. Many thanks in the hope that some of you will be able to help.

Tony, the Dogfather.

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