Health Weekly

Meals from mum’s kitchen

May 28 - April 3, 2012
Gulf Weekly Meals from mum’s kitchen

A CARING mum has started a lunch-box service for children at one of the kingdom’s leading schools in a crusade to combat unhealthy eating.

Her alternative to snacks are a range of interesting and attractive meals that are both healthy and tasty at the same time.

Egyptian Nancy Habib-Tawfick, a mother of two sons – Ramsey, 11, and Freddie, five – said she was so tired of listening to horror stories of children taking crisps, sugar-filled juices and fatty fast foods with them that she has started offering a service called ‘Mum’s Healthy Packed Lunch’.

Nancy, 42, from Saar, explained: 'A healthy option does not mean that children have to be on a diet or need to lose weight. They just need a balanced meal.

'I was just driven to provide high quality, fresh food with a variety of ingredients. My own children are very fussy and I know how frustrating it can be when you spend a lot of time preparing healthy food and then they don’t eat it!

'There is no point arguing with them as it does not work. You have to entice them and make it fun and you mustn’t give in to crisps!'

Nancy’s lunch boxes are priced at BD2 and they have already found a following from parents. St Christopher’s School, where the project has been launched, has endorsed her plan and she presented her idea at its recent 50th anniversary school fair.

Children get to choose a meal from a menu with a photo of each dish. The choices have appealing names such as Freddie’s chicken salad, Stackable cheese stocks, Space ship tuna sandwich, Hummus frog dip with crackers and even a Piggy burger. A break-up of the nutritional values has been added for the benefit of parents. In addition, every meal comes with a colourful salad, an assortment of fruits and a juice.

All items are prepared in an outside kitchen at her home that has been fitted out for the purpose.

Nancy added: 'There is always something new every week. The sandwiches are in different shapes to make them interesting. The Greek salad was served on pretzels to make it delicious and crunchy. And, rice with vegetables comes shaped like a friendly panda or a smiling cat.

'I am also getting to know the children’s preferences and change my menu accordingly. This is only a beginning and I am learning as the days go by.'

HPL meals can be ordered for just one day or even for a whole week. For further details contact Nancy by calling 39083067 or visit

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