
The Whisperer

September 19 - 25, 2012

BAHRAIN’S much-missed celebrity DJ Krazy Kev is still finding life Down Under a challenge. The former Radio Bahrain morning show host was interviewing the head of a blood transfusion unit in Toowoomba on his Australian radio show and offered to donate some on air for the cause.

Now, knowing Kev, trying to get him to buy a round of butties at the Royal Golf Club was like getting blood out of a stone, so this generous gesture was no mean feat and it was probably a good job he was sitting down at the time as blood rushed to his head.

However, the kind offer was turned down. Apparently he was told that the Aussies would not accept blood from anyone who lived in England between 1980 and 1996 for fear of catching Mad Cow Disease!

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