Golf News

Excellent scores for Captains’ Drive-In

January 9 - 15, 2013
Gulf Weekly Excellent scores for Captains’ Drive-In

The Royal Golf Club’s annual Captains’ Drive-In tournament took place on the 18-hole Montgomerie championship course on New Year’s Day marking the tenure of 2013 club captains, Ebrahim Esbai and Hanne Hansen.

The Texas Scramble event, which attracted 90 players, saw some excellent scoring with six teams managing to break the magical 60 mark.

The team of Sager Al Noaimi, Hamad Mubarak, Sassan Sarkoob and Nasser Al Mahasni took the top spot after firing an amazing ten birdies and one eagle en route to a nett score of 58.1.

The team of Fahad Al Hakam, Ali Hassan, Ali Saleh and Mohamed Al Fedhala took second place with 58.8 nett.

In the side contests Sultan Al Hakam had the closest prediction to Captain Esbai’s opening drive and Shaikh Rashid Al Khalifa predicted the same for Lady Captain Hanne’s opening tee shot.

Adel Almoayed was nearest to the Captain’s drive on hole 10, Murray Brown was nearest to the pin on hole 2 and Derrek Ngo achieved the longest drive on the 14th hole.

“I would like to wish Ebrahim and Hanne all the best for their year of captaincy and thank them for their dedication in taking on these roles,” said Paul Crowe, the Royal Golf Club’s director of golf operations at the prize-giving ceremony.

“We have a busy fixture list lined up for 2013 and expect this to be an exciting year at the Royal Golf Club.”

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