
Every dog really does have its day

July 31 - August 6, 2013

We live in a large and laborious world, which makes it easy to forget the little things. However, taking time to appreciate the little things will substantially improve your day and your whole attitude.

It’s the things that inadvertently, no matter how much you resist, will make you smile. For instance: a puppy that longs for attention with its big, gleeful eyes or your favourite song that fills every cell in your body with the harmony of musical bliss.

The saying ‘every dog has its day’ is strangely a fact. Every single person under our great blinding sun has moments where they know they’ve won. These moments may seem small, but that doesn’t mean you can’t embrace them. The moments I’m talking about can be as little as your favourite football team finally winning a match in the last few seconds just when you thought there was no hope. However, I am a Liverpool fan, therefore winning matches is an alien concept to me.

Another little moment can be having someone who once wronged you, get what was coming to them. Savour the smile that just creeps across your face when you see karma in action; the feeling that makes you look up to the sky and graciously thank the power that brought you this great triumphant feeling.

In a nutshell; savour your winning moments, suck the marrow out of the morsels that life throws you because it can make your day considerably better. Trust me it’s true, and this is coming from a pure pessimist and cynic.

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