Health Weekly

Break your fast with green juice

July 31 - August 6, 2013

If you were to do one thing for your health this Ramadan, what should it be?

Let me give you a suggestion.

This Ramadan, why not try to make your body more alkaline?

If you remember studying acid and alkalis from your old science class, you might also remember that your blood functions at a pH level of 7.4, which makes it slightly alkaline. Therefore, you are at your healthiest when your blood (and, therefore, your body) is slightly alkaline.

The problem is that so many things make us acidic. Animal products, fried greasy foods and even sugar all make our blood more acidic. Toxins (like smoking, pollution and insect sprays) also make you acidic. And, so do negative emotions such as hate, resentment and anger.

What happens when your blood becomes more acidic? Viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells thrive in acidic blood. You become much more prone to illnesses and much more likely to get angry or irritated and it speeds up the ageing process too.

The bigger problem is that it’s very difficult to detox when your blood is acidic. This defeats the whole purpose of fasting, since fasting’s biggest benefit is the removal of toxins from the body.

So the plan for you today is to make your blood more alkaline. How? Drink lots of fresh vegetable juices, especially green ones. These instantly alkalise your blood and give you better immunity, faster healing and an improved mood!

Break your fast today with a green juice made of cucumber, apple and lots of green leaves (parsley, coriander, rocket, etc.) and add to that a tablespoon of wheatgrass powder for extra oomph.

Try it and see the difference.

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