
Leaving on a jet plane ain’t half bad

August 13 - 19, 2014

Most people love the idea of travelling to an exotic paradise for vacation, but they dread the long-haul flights necessary to get there. I fall into the anomalous category of people who actually enjoy crowded airports and cramped aeroplane.

There’s something incredibly exciting about airports. It’s the starting point of your adventure, and right from the time that you check in your baggage to boarding the flight: you’re getting ready for a journey.

As is everyone around you; everyone is rushing to the boarding gate, fetching last-minute presents for relatives abroad or preparing for the next move. There’s something unifying about this idea.

Even when the child sitting behind you insists on kicking your seat, aeroplanes can be fun. Make no mistake, I despise the lack of space and the immediate claustrophobia that arises from being squished into the same metal container as 300 other people. However, the idea that you get to sit still for five to eight hours and watch endless TV shows is really appealing. 

Even though the food is digestible at best, you do get to catch up on some quality time with family or even start that novel that’s been gathering dust for the past year. It’s a head start for your journey.

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