
Youth talk: University for everything

January 12 - 18. 2016

From Surf science to Viking studies there are infinite places to go into further study, no matter how weird the subject!

I just received my offers from all my applied universities (fingers crossed Manchester Metropolitan!) to take filmmaking to the next stage, which as regular readers of this column will be well aware of, is a subject that I am passionate about.

There are more than 7,500 universities in the world, each offering scores of degree courses. This gives everyone an urge to ‘go for it’ and use their hard-earned money on investment we all hope will help us earn even more wages in the future.

Some young people may choose to avoid the debt risk and stop studying; you don’t HAVE to go to university. ‘But who doesn’t go to university?’ That is a question I often hear. In my opinion, in order to get on, you need to find the right starting place to secure a good job, although granted, sometimes, it’s not always what you know, it’s who you know that matters.

I’m, hopefully, going to university because I love the thought of experiencing independence and having an opportunity to work with liked-minded people and use equipment that I have only dreamed of using. Well, that isn’t till September, so you’re stuck with me until then!

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