Leisure Guide

Turkish delights in store

Marh 29 - April 4, 2017
Gulf Weekly Turkish delights in store

Al Areen Palace and Spa’s Khaleeji restaurant, Saffron, is hosting a Turkish Food Festival from April 20, offering a variety of hot and cold mezze, as well as vegetarian fare and juicy meat dishes courtesy of guest chef Turgut Ay coming from Turkey. There will be a showcase of different Turkish brands, live entertainment by a Turkish music group and activities for children.

Furthermore, there will be an Easter Egg Hunt at the Grand Wadi Tent on April 16. This will feature an egg hunt, lunch buffet and live entertainment for BD13++. This includes Michal Sindelar, an international magician and illusionist visiting from the Czech Republic.

Sindelar is a professional magician and an illusionist who started his career in 2006. He is self-taught and managed to break through and establish his name worldwide, having performed on four different continents in the past three years.

He learned magic through books and practised in front of a mirror, filming himself to see his mistakes, and on the metro on the way to school as a way of reducing stage anxiety.

Among his biggest achievements are private magic shows for royalty and Bayern Munich’s Dutch star footballer Arjen Robben.

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