Techtronic Specials

gadgets of the week

August 16 - 22, 2017

What is it called? Skydrive

What does it do? A paper plane with an electric motor. The special paper is already lined so you know where to fold, making sure you will always get the most aerodynamic design. Attach the motor assembly to the centre, charge it up for 20 seconds and you are ready to watch your creation fly rather than drop at your feet.

Cost: BD8


What is it called? Breakfast of Champions

What does it do? This spoon allows you to get your much needed morning work out without causing a disturbance to your schedule. Thanks to the weighted barbell at the handle end of the spoon, every time you slurp up your breakfast, you get the benefits of a bicep curl too!

Cost: BD5


What is it called? Light Grooves

What does it do? These are funky charge and sync cables that indicate your phone’s power without you even having to look at the screen. As soon as you plug the cables into a power source, you will see electroluminescent green or blue lights flying through the cable. Fast flying lights mean you are around half way charged, slow moving lights are for over 65% and once the charging is complete, the lights will disappear.


Cost: BD8

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