Write To The Editor

Youth Talk by Saamia

March 21 - 27, 2018

Why is it easier to be around certain people? Why do we want to include them in group projects at school and why, even at the end of a tiring day, do you still seek and enjoy their company?

I think it is important that we pause for a minute and think of who these people are. Those people in our social circle who we call up and speak to about our problems, our achievements and incidences and receive the sort of support and response that is in resonance of our feelings.

Obviously we blend best with people who share our point of view, those who are like us in thought and belief, but, this is only partially correct. I think we blend best with the people who are tolerant of the thought processes we hold.

It is like when my best friend understands what I want to say by a mere ‘Wingardium Leviosa’ sort of motion of my hand.

All in all, I believe it is important to have this sort of an atmosphere around oneself to ensure that the positive motivation also goes, hand-in-hand with the array of alternative opinions one keeps receiving.

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