Write To The Editor

Ellissa’s island life

March 21 - 27, 2018

Easter is almost upon us, fluffy bunnies and chocolates compete for attention whilst for some it brings about the end of Lent, the most important festival in the Christian calendar.

Nature’s cycle of life is clearly visible in the springtime, after the cold winter when plants start to grow after the harshness of winter.

The daffodil is a popular symbol of rebirth, a sign of the new beginnings that come with spring. It is often known as the ‘Lenten Lilly’ in England, with a legend that the daffodil first appeared on the night of The Last Supper to comfort Jesus in his hour of sorrow.

With the daffodils currently been snowed upon in England, the daffodil is looking rather depressed, but some are managing to peek through the snow despite the current mini ‘beast from the east’.

Across the world shops are being stocked high with chocolate eggs, with the egg also being a symbol of rebirth, the chocolate eggs becoming popular since the 19th Century and the first chocolate egg in the UK was produced in 1873.

My three children have all given up something for Lent, with varying levels of success. The one with the sweetest tooth has completely abstained from chocolate and fizzy drinks, but all three are looking forward to breaking Lent on March 29 when I’m sure they will all relish in unmonitored consumption of chocolate eggs after the obligatory egg hunt, not an easy feat with our warm sunshine.

I’m planning a lovely Easter lunch with family and friends, either at home or out, I will enjoy an egg and a hot cross bun, but hopefully will not forget what Easter is about. There is so much sadness already in the world today, from horrible school shootings, the horror in Syria, and millions of people struggling in poverty.

The world is filled with worry. Easter is about hope, about peace, and a second chance, to focus and bring meaning to this life.


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