Leasure Guide

Summer Camps

August 15 - 21, 2018

Ongoing until this week

The RIA Institute is offering a summer camp at its Adliya centre, with activities such as arts and crafts, basket-weaving, cookery, singing, yoga, other sports and an educational programme. Ages five to 10 years. BD35 per week.

For details, call 33900702.


The Bahrain Ballet Centre’s summer camp comprises various dance styles – modern, tap, ballet, contemporary – along with other engaging activities such as arts & crafts, singing and team-building exercises. Ages five to 10. Sunday to Thursday, 9am-1pm. BD15 per day or BD55 per week.

For details, call 17693232 or 33719180.


Wahooo! is hosting a summer camp that includes waterpark rides, Magic Planet rides and games, taekwondo, gymnastics, self-defence and fitness classes, sports, laser-tag, arts and crafts, circuit-training, and an end-of-camp party. Ages six to 14. Every day from 9.30am-1.45pm. BD20 per day.

For details, call 17173000, 17692424 or 33001261.


The Life-Fit Fitness Centre offers taekwondo, team games, arts & crafts, karate, yoga, gymnastics, circuit-training and fun-and-fitness. Ages three to 10. Every day from 10.30am to 2pm. BD20 per day. For details, call 17692424 or 33001261.


The Indian Club has art, singing, dancing, movies, swimming, field trips, a sports day and more for children aged five to 14. Every day from 9am-1pm. BD50 for members and BD60 for non-members.

For details, call 17253157.


Victoria Dance’s summer programme includes baby ballet on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, regular ballet on Sundays and Tuesdays, hip-hop on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, a musical performance repertoire and ballerina boot-camp on Thursdays. Ages three to 14 and above. From 3.15pm-4.15pm, and 4.15pm-5.15pm. BD6 per class.

For details, call 17004382 or 39876215.


Ongoing until August 23

Kids Corner Nursery is hosting fun-and-fitness classes, music classes, culinary lessons, arts and crafts and more. Ages two to six years. BD25 per week.

For details, call 17793711 or 37113711.


The Artzania Centre is offering arts and crafts, brain exercises, encouragement in etiquette and self-expression, plus fun-and-fitness. Ages five to 11. 9am-1.30pm. BD65 per week.

For details, call 17640663.


Ongoing until August 30

The Bahrain Rugby Football Club’s Tekkers Summer Camp has energetic activities planned for children aged six and above. 10am-3pm. BD12 per day, BD15 with lunch or BD50 per week, BD65 with lunch. For details, call 17695809.


Ongoing until September 5

The Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain’s summer camp involves a selection of outdoor activities including water sports, swimming, adventure games, along with culinary classes, arts & crafts and talent shows. From 9am-6pm. BD5 per activity.

For details, call 17586612.


Ongoing until September 30

The Four Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay is hosting a summer camp until September 30 from Sunday to Wednesday, 9am to 6pm, and Thursday to Saturday, 9am to 8.30pm. It will include an outdoor camping experience, culinary events, swimming lessons and educational art workshops.

It costs BD7 for an hour, BD15 for three hours, BD30 with lunch or dinner for full day, BD135 with lunch or dinner for five days, BD155 with lunch or dinner for one week, BD265 with lunch or dinner for two weeks, and BD400 with lunch or dinner for one month.

The camp is complimentary for in-house guests and spa members. Children under the age of four must have a parent or nanny with them.

For details, call 17115091.

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